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Saturday, June 25, 2011

HTML: What does ' mean?

' is html encoding for apostrophe(')

Whenever we type an apostrophe(') the ecards(html) replaces it with '. So ' is the Html representation for apostrophe(').

For Example: Html will convert Rahul's into Rahul's.


  1. Thanks I was searching it and got satisfied here.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. This is all over the urban dictionary.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Thank you! I greatly appreciate the person(s) who took the time and effort to explain it to the ones of us that hsd no idea. And to the ones of you that got your answers erased, you need to get some class and respect and you should be embarrassed of ypurself. Whilst none of us know what any of the eraseds answers said they obviously weren't very kind. In thd future remember it's always nice to be nice!!

  7. Thank you very much for explain in plain English.
    I'm not tech guy I got it now

  8. Well I still do not know what it means?
    Can someone explain it to me in old
    Fashion English!

    1. It’s an apostrophe so if somebody Post a comment saying Ann Smith’s car is for sale HTML might change it to Ann SmithI&#39s car is for sale It just puts that line of code in a the place of an apostrophe sometimes if I’m understanding itcorrectly

  9. &#39 on a Florida Dept. of Health adjuster assigned the claim under Captain Timothy M Morrissey injured on the job removal of WC# assigned, Tim died a Preventable death at his mother's home a State Municipal Employee

  10. Thank you. This was helpful.

  11. How do you make it so it turns into apostrophes and not the code? Because it's slightly bothering me my phone is doing this when I type on tiktok.

  12. I'm 18year complete I'm use votear I'd
